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Sport is a key component of the curriculum. We encourage all boys to be physically active and for those who are especially keen there is a wide range on offer. On a formal level we teach sport on Monday mornings and on Wednesday afternoons making use of excellent all-weather facilities at Battersea Park and at the Queen Mother Sports Centre in Pimlico. Junior boys additionally have swimming lessons once a week. School staff are actively involved in coaching sport but we also make use of outside specialists. 

Lessons are aimed at providing all boys with the opportunity to make progress both in physical skills and in mental attitudes, with teamwork and leadership skills built into every lesson. Resilience, confidence and perseverance are key aims in our teaching of sport. We seek to ensure that boys develop their self-confidence, their physical competence and their appreciation of the value of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The opportunity for all to compete in matches against other schools helps boys to learn the life skills of fair play, winning with grace, as well as handling setbacks and defeat.

The main field sports are football and hockey in the winter and cricket in the summer. In addition, Wednesday afternoons in the summer term are devoted to outdoor activities with kayaking, climbing, sailing, and walking being popular choices.